Twisty Ardennes, a Tour de Twist
Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present a Belgian/Dutch co-production: Mark Harling and Daan Zeydner have put together a two day trip around Liège, Mileages: day 1 = approximately 320 km & approximately 475 km on day 2 - 380 Costs involved: accommodation, food and drinks, and some petrol. The plan is to hold a picnic on both days. We propose that for day one everyone brings their own picnic necessities (i.e. food and drink, crystal glasses, bone china plates, silver cutlery, etc.). For the second day, Mark and Daan will arrange a picnic feast at minimal costs. In order to offer proper accommodation for the night we would like to know who is joining us for this 'Tour de Twist'. You can do so by emailing Daan Zeydner before February 10th, so we can have enough time to arrange everything. Daan Zeydner Mark Harling |